The Reason Why You Can't Understand JavaScript... Yet.

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The Reason Why You Can't Understand JavaScript... Yet.

Delving deep into finding out your problem spots with JS


6 min read

JavaScript is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. It powers the dynamic and interactive features of web pages, such as animations, forms, games, and more. It can also run on servers, mobile devices, and even embedded systems. Learning JavaScript can open up many opportunities for web development, software engineering, and data science. And since it's so popular, you wanna do it too like countless other people out there.

However, learning JavaScript can also be very challenging and frustrating for many beginners and even experienced programmers. You may have tried to learn JavaScript from various sources, such as books, courses, tutorials, or videos, but you still feel like you don't understand it or can't apply it to real projects. You may have encountered many errors, bugs, or unexpected behaviours that make you want to give up. You may have wondered why JavaScript is so hard to learn and what you can do to overcome the difficulties.

In this article, I'll tell you 4 main reasons why you can't learn JavaScript and how you can overcome them.

1. JavaScript is a Complex and Dynamic Language

One of the reasons why you can't learn JavaScript is that it is a complex and dynamic language that has many features and quirks that can confuse or surprise you (a better way to politely make you feel stupid). For example:

  • JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language that supports object-oriented, functional, imperative, and declarative programming styles. You need to understand the pros and cons of each style and how to use them effectively in different situations.

  • JavaScript is a loosely typed language that allows you to use any type of value without declaring it. This can lead to errors or unexpected behaviours if you don't pay attention to the type conversions or coercion rules.

  • JavaScript is an interpreted language that runs in different environments, such as browsers or Node.js. Each environment may have different implementations or versions of JavaScript that may not support all the features or syntax of the language. You need to be aware of the compatibility issues and use tools like Babel or TypeScript to transpile your code to a compatible version.

  • JavaScript is an asynchronous language that allows you to perform non-blocking operations, such as fetching data from a server or setting a timer. However, this also means that you need to deal with callbacks, promises, async/await, and other concepts that can make your code hard to read or debug.

To learn JavaScript effectively, you need to have a solid understanding of the core concepts and features of the language and how they work under the hood.

2. JavaScript Has a Lot of Frameworks and Libraries

Another reason why you can't learn JavaScript is that it has a lot of frameworks and libraries that can overwhelm or distract you from learning the fundamentals of the language. For example:

  • There are many popular frameworks for building web applications with JavaScript, such as React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, Next.js, etc. Each framework has its syntax, conventions, tools, and best practices that you need to learn and follow.

  • There are many libraries for enhancing or extending the functionality of JavaScript, such as jQuery, Lodash, Axios, Moment.js, etc. Each library has its API, documentation, and dependencies that you need to learn and use.

  • There are many tools for improving the quality and performance of your JavaScript code, such as ESLint, Prettier, Webpack, Babel, TypeScript, etc. Each tool has its configuration, options, plugins, and compatibility issues that you need to deal with.

To learn JavaScript effectively, you need to focus on learning the fundamentals of the language first before diving into any framework or library. You also need to choose wisely which framework or library suits your needs and goals and avoid jumping from one to another without mastering any.

3. JavaScript Requires a Lot of Background Knowledge

Another reason why you can't learn JavaScript is that it requires a lot of background knowledge that goes beyond the language itself. For example:

  • To use JavaScript for web development, you need to have a good understanding of HTML and CSS, which are the languages for creating the structure and style of web pages. You also need to know how to use the DOM (Document Object Model), which is an interface for manipulating HTML elements with JavaScript.

  • To use JavaScript for server-side development, you need to have a good understanding of Node.js, which is a runtime environment for running JavaScript outside the browser. You also need to know how to use Express, which is a framework for creating web servers with Node.js.

You need to have a clear goal and purpose for learning JavaScript. You also need to learn the relevant skills and technologies that complement your goal and purpose if you wish to be an effective JavaScript coder.

4. JavaScript Has a Lot of Resources That Can Be Confusing or Outdated

Another reason why you can't learn JavaScript is that it has a lot of resources that can be confusing or outdated. For example:

  • Many books, courses, tutorials, or videos teach JavaScript, but they may not cover all the aspects or features of the language. They may also have different styles, levels, or qualities that may not suit your needs or preferences. Finding one that's just right is hard.

  • Many blogs, articles, podcasts, or newsletters share tips, tricks, or news about JavaScript, but they may not be accurate or reliable. They may also have different opinions, perspectives, or biases that may not align with yours.

  • There are many forums, communities, groups, or platforms that offer help, support, or feedback about JavaScript, but they may not be helpful or friendly. They may also have different expectations, standards, or rules that may not match yours.

Resources To Make Your Life Easier

I've compiled a list of resources that'll save you the hassle of roaming around looking for the right place to learn JavaScript. These will be more than enough if you're just starting out. Don't overwhelm yourself with tons of resources, just stick to the good ones and you'll be fine:

  1. JavaScript 30 — Build 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials (Highly recommended due to its project-based nature)

  2. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial (Probably the most boring yet comprehensive on the list)

  3. Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners (Kinda old but still relevant to get all your basics right, and hey, it's a video so substantially more engaging)

Closing thoughts

JavaScript is hard, but it can be learned. You can overcome the difficulties by understanding what holds you down and applying some strategies to overcome them. Here are some key points to remember :

  • Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript first! React or whatever other framework you wish to learn can wait a week or two.

  • Focus on your goal and purpose for learning JavaScript and learn the relevant skills and technologies.

  • Use quality resources that suit your needs and preferences and update your knowledge regularly.

  • Practice a lot (that's the only way you'll actually get better) and debug your code using tools like console.log(), debugger, or Chrome DevTools.

  • Seek feedback from reputable sources and join supportive communities. Twitter is a good place to settle down and build connections with like-minded people.

Remember that learning is a journey, not a destination. So don't give up on your goal and keep learning!

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